Home Sweet Home, but I miss you all


The sky says, “Welcome back!” while the ocean laughs and gives me a big hug. The mountain just keeps smiling as usual, but I know how happy he is to see me home.

I thought I wouldn’t miss them, but in fact, I did. I miss them so much even more than I could imagine.

Yes, I’m back.
I’m home.

Hello, my dear friends!

Time really flies. After studying in the UK for about two years, now I’m back in Taitung, Taiwan, my hometown. I finished my Master’s course and got the degree! YAYYYY!!!

To be honest, now I’m still adjusting my lifestyle and getting used to the life in my hometown. It’s not easy, actually.

I found myself missing everything in the UK sooooooo much.

I miss my friends, my tutors, my neighbour’s cat, all the traditional English bars, Gin & Tonic…, even the weather!

I miss all those times I walked and laughed with my friends on the streets.

I miss the sunset we saw together on the hill, and the ice cream we shared beside the river.

I miss the days I travelled alone to London and went back home with the stars and moonlight.

Of course, there were some desperate and sad moments in the past two years. However, to me, all those days were like a very sweet and unforgettable dream which I would love to experience it again and again.

Unfortunately, no matter how long I stayed overseas, I still have to face the reality one day.

“Take your time, my dear.” I wrote this down to myself. Once again, no one says it’s easy. It just takes time.

Well, I think I’ll keep writing something like this to share how I feel with you, my dear friends of YUEHtopia. I think this will help me to get used to the life now better, and keep the habit of writing and thinking in English (or I’ll lose the English writing and reading ability really fast!!!)

Thank you very much for following my blog and reading this.

I’ll see you next time! x

Joyce C. Y. Lin


One Comment

  1. […] 將剛回到家鄉時所記錄下的文字,和如今的語調相比,那種情緒的波折、情感的濃度,都已趨緩、逐漸稀釋。(有興趣的朋友歡迎拿這幾篇來比較:Home Sweet Home, but I miss you all,還有記錄慘劇但仍努力自我鼓勵的Take a Step at a Time) […]


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